

16 Apr 2023

Douma's Fanbook 2 Transcription and Translation

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First page of Douma’s fanbook translation

The translations go from right to left.


The 12 Upper Moons


2nd Upper Moon




A preacher who heartlessly laughs and is as cold as a block of ice.

討伐証明記録 Record of Subjugation/Defeat

人間時の名前 Human Name :不明 Unknown

身長 Height・体重 Weight :186cm, 86kg

趣味 Hobbies :酒風呂 Sake Bath || 酒が好きだったが鬼になり飲めなくなったので He loves alcohol but couldn’t drink it anymore once he became a demon

水煙管2 Hookah Pipe || 煙草 Tobacco

舞踊3 Traditional Japanese Dance

柔らかな笑みを讃え、戦闘中でも穏やかに話す。真意では、人間は気の毒な存在だと哀れみ、見下している。人間を「救済」するため骨まで喰らい、特に栄養価の高い女性を好んで食した。指で己の脳をかき混ぜることで記憶を呼び起こすことが可能。 4

He puts on a soft smile and speaks calmly even in battle. In truth, he pities and looks down on humans as sorry beings. In order to “rescues” humans, he eats them down to the bone, especially women, who he favors for their high nutritional value. He can recall memories by stirring his brain with his fingers.


In the Religious Paradise Faith, where he serves as guru, he eats his followers and “rescues” them.


Hidden investigation


Muzan’s perspective


Although he actively expressed his intentions to Kibutsuji, he did not seem to be given many missions. He seemed to be disliked by other demons as well.5

Second Page of Douma’s Fanbook


How he became a demon


“Acting as the Son of God” in the Eternal Paradise Faith


Born to parents who practiced the Eternal Paradise Faith, he was born with rainbows in his eyes and a head of white-rubber hair, a rare appearance. He was praised as “a special child who can hear the voice of God,” and was deified by his followers. However, he never believed in the existence of Amitabha’s Pure Land6 and had never heard the voice of God, so he shed tears of pity for the foolishness of people who clung to Gods and Buddha.


From an early age, he acts as the Son of God in accordance with the stories of those around him.


He believes human cries are a good thing and leads them to liberation


He is convinced that he is kind and intelligent, and has never doubted his mission to save human beings. He believes that by eating every last drop of flesh and blood, he can lead them to eternal life and happiness together. He once protected7 Kotoha, Inosuke’s mother, in his cult.


Kotoha realizes what Douma has done and attempts to escape, but is killed shortly after she sends Inosuke over a cliff.


Has no sense of joy, anger, sorrow, or pleasure. Human emotions are an illusion.


He has been emotionless since he was a human. When Douma’s mother murdered his lustful father and later poisoned herself, he did not feel sadness or loneliness and thought about ventilating the smell of blood. Even after becoming a demon, he could not understand human emotions.


Kanao provokes Douma by telling him that he has no feelings. She shakes him enough to lose his composure.

The next Page after this is all of his abilities. I will not translate them, as the Demon Slayer Manga has most of them Listed.

Third Page of Douma’s Fanbook Page


The End


Rotting from the poison from Shinobu, his neck is cut off.


He absorbed poison seven hundred times more lethal than the lethal dose that was planted in his body by Shinobu. The stalling by Inosuke and Kanao was successful and he melted and rotted from the bones. He fought back with great skill, but was defeated by both of them.


Even in the face of death, there was no fear, no regret, no human emotion to be felt.

大正コソコソ噂話 Taisho Whispers


He is also loyal and worships Muzan, but he isn’t liked by Muzan. This is because, according to Muzan’s experience, he believes that those who do not have strong attachment or craving do not evolve much as demons. Even so, it seems that he had more talent than the others since he was able to rise to the rank of 2 of the Upper Moons.


He was sometimes consulted by his followers about money, status and love, and despite the thought of getting carried away with desires seemed ridiculous, he was interested in what it felt like. Even though he had money, status, and a semi-immortal body, he felt nothing in particular, so he would often play childlike love games8 with different partners.


When the Upper Moons met, he tried to invite Nakime but was turned down, as if she was interrupting him from speaking further.

From the Fanbook 1

Taisho Secret Douma’s Secret

大正 コソコソ Taisho Secret

万世極楽教の教えば、 穏やかな気持ちで奈しく生きることです。つらいことや苦しいことはしなくていい、する必要はないそうです。信者はこ百五十人くらいです。あまり目立つと叱られるので、 これ以上は増えないようにしてます。

According to the teachings of the Eternal Paradise Cult, it is to live your life in peace and tranquility. There was no need to do hard or painful things, none of that was required. There are about 150 Believers. He will get reprimanded if he is too conspicious, so he doesn’t increase the number.

  1. the term 伝道師 Dendo-shi used here is literally translated into evangelist. As cold as is added on by me to make the grammatical structure flow better. Translated without it would equate to “A preacher who is like a block of ice and laughs heartlessly.” ↩︎

  2. Here is a video on how a water based Hookah, Shisha, or Waterpipe works: YT Link ↩︎

  3. The term 舞踊 Buyo in modern times translates to dance, but since we know Douma was born in pre-modern times, it’s much more accurate to add traditional to indicate that. For more information on the contextual terms of Buyo and its dance forms, please refer to this Japan Corpus Wiki Article available in both Japanese and English: Japanese Corpus Wiki ↩︎

  4. 救済 can be spelled two ways in hiragana: きゅうさい and くさい. The first is related to religious salvation in its generic form, though it could be a reference to Christianity. The second is a reference to Buddhism and achieving salvation based on his teachings. The Fanbook 2 uses the first spelling, きゅうさい so take that as you will. ↩︎

  5. 少々煙 Translates to A little bit smoky in it’s literal sense. I’m not sure if this is suppose to be a joke that maybe Douma smoked too much so they hated his company or it’s a reference to a word I wouldn’t hear in daily conversations. Another way to translate it would be he was snubbed by the other demons which means rebuff, ignore, or spurn disdainfully↩︎

  6. 極楽浄土 is a reference to Amitabha's Pure Land and his Paradise called Sukhavati. Read Here for a short description: Met Museum Link ↩︎

  7. 保護 Written here is not 守る Mamoru, commonly spoke. Though protect in itself is the correct translation, understand that it in the context it is used, it more like to say Douma took guardianship/custody of her. But using guardianship/custody in itself would be incorrect, as that would insinuate an adoption of sorts, which was not Douma’s intention. ↩︎

  8. 恋愛ごっこ In Japanese Psychology is called “Child-like Loveplay”. To define it in it’s simplest terms is Loving someone for other reasons than love. I.e you want to date someone because you’re lonely, or you want to manipulate them, or you just love their appearance rather than anything about their personality. 相手 Meaning Partner is a term with no affection behind it. It’s just a way to refer to someone when you are both in the same situation. But, in this case, it is also a genderless term, so it could be mean Douma had no regard for Gender itself. Read here for more information in Japanese: 恋愛ごっこ. If one wanted it to be used in an intimate context, you would use something like 相棒 Aibo. It has mostly platonic connotations, can still mean romantic. Another case would be using 婚姻相手 Which means Marriage partner. ↩︎