Yoriichi's Fanbook 2 Transcription and Translation
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The translations go from right to left.
The first swordsman that used “Breathing Techniques”
継国縁壱 (つぎぐちよりいち)
Yoriichi Tsugikuni
A swordsman who lived during the Sengoku Era. He began the use of Breathing Techniques. He developed the sword technique of “Sun Breathing” and devoted himself to hunting demons.
Important Confidential Sengoku Era Documents
Yoriichi’s Family
Mother of Yoriichi. She is a quiet, calm and family-oriented person. She is skilled at singing and playing the flute. She passed away at the age of 24 due to illness.
Yoriichi’s Father
The father of Yoriichi was a loving husband. He gave unfair treatment to Yoriichi, the younger brother of twins who were rumored to be unlucky, after seeing his birthmark. He died at the age of 35.
He is the older brother of Yoriichi. He was sympathetic to Yoriichi when he was a child, but he soon became dazzled by his younger brother’s talent. After a period of hunting demons, he became the first of the Upper Moons.
An unusual life
Early childhood
Since he did not speak until he was seven years old, he was thought to be deaf. One day, one of his father’s vassals gave him verbal instructions in swordsmanship as they were playing1; he showed exceptional talent for swordsmanship, causing his father’s vassal to faint.
Mother and earrings
Yoriichi’s earrings were made with the prayers of his faithful mother.
Meeting his wife and going on the path of becoming a Demon Slayer
After the death of his mother, Yoriichi left the house and kept wandering around the streets aimlessly. On the way, he meets a girl named “Uta” and they become husband and wife, but his wife and their unborn baby are slaughtered by demons while Yoriichi is away. This incident leads him to the Demon Slayers, ultimately going down to the path of being a Demon Slayer.
Wife of Yoriichi. She lost her family to an epidemic and was left all alone when she met Yoriichi. She loves to talk and has a cheerful personality.
Exiled and Leaves the Demon Slayers.
He was questioned and held responsible for his elder brother’s action of turning into a demon, exiled for not defeating Muzan Kibutsuji, the progenitor of the demons, and for overlooking a demon named Tamayo who was with Kibutsuji.
War Chronicle
The one who corners the leader of the Demons in a tight spot
With the power of his Sun Breathing swordsmanship and his Bright Kakuto sword which slows down the regeneration of his body, Yoriichi is just one step away from closing in on Kibutsuji. However, just as he is about to put an end to the fight, the leader of the Demons splits his body and flees.
A one-on-one battle with his own brother, Kokushibou
Even though he was over eighty years old, he was still able to use his brilliant swordsmanship to drive his elder brother, who had turned into a Demon, into a corner, but his life comes to an end due to old age.
Even after all these years, Yoriichi’s slashes continued to scorch the cells of Kibutsuji. The scar becomes a weak point for Kibutsuji.
He who passes on the swordsmanship of breathing.
Teaches swordsmanship using Breathing Techniques to fellow Demon Slayers. The derivation of Breathing Techniques spread from here.
Connection to the Kamado Family
After being expelled from the Demon Slayers, Yoriichi visits the Kamado family, with whom he had become close after saving their lives from a demon. It was probably one of the few places where he could open his heart.
This sword’s form was handed down from generation to generation in the Kamado family known as the “Hinokami Kagura.”
Sumiyoshi, the head of the Kamado family, receives the earrings from Yoriichi and passes them on to future generations as a reminder of Yoriichi’s unfulfilled wish.
Sengoku Secrets
Tanjirou’s mother, Kie, knew where the blue spider lily bloomed. Tanjirou had been shown it as a child, and he instantly remembered the blue spider lily in a flashback he saw when he was fighting against Rui. Because they do not bloom every year and the time they can be seen was extremely limited, Tanjirou was the only one to see the blue spider lily out of the six siblings. The place where the blue spider lily bloomed is the same place where Yorichi’s wife “Uta” was buried several hundred years ago.
The special abilities that were passed down
Those who developed marks similar to those of Yoriichi had significantly increased strength. However, there was a constant stream of people who reached the end of their lives before they reached the age of 25.
Later on, those who manifested the marks appeared in the Demon Slayer squads, and they gained the ability to fight as well as demons.
Kakuto (Bright Red Blade)
Yoriichi inflicted burning wounds on Demons with the glowing blade. The later Demon Slayers made their blades glow by holding them with maximum pressure or clashing them against each other.
To make the sword glow is the key to defeating Kibutsuji.
The transparent world
By concentrating only on the necessary movements and closing off the other senses, one reaches a realm where they can see through the other person’s body. Yoriichi seems to have acquired this mysterious ability from an early age, without being taught by anyone.
Most likely, Yoriichi thought it was “playing for fun” rather than Michikatsu’s thought of training. The words usage is “Tawamure”. ↩︎